Biodynamic lighting LUM CONNECT VTL
Light for improved working conditions
The same cycle takes place every day in the human body. The internal clock determines sleeping and waking phases, but also heart frequency, blood pressure and mood – a rhythm of biological processes mainly controlled and supported by light. Hormones, especially cortisol and melatonin, are the most active ones. If the body lacks light as a timer or clock, the result can be chronic fatigue, sleep disorders or depressions.
Light in the interaction with hormones
Cortisol and melatonin levels of the body during a typical course of the day.
hormone cortisol is produced in the body in the morning. It stimulates
the metabolism and programs the body for day mode. The first morning
light suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. VTL supports the activity of the stress hormone cortisol at the
beginning of office work by stimulating cold-tone light and high
illuminance values.
The levels of cortisol decrease over the course of the day. However, good performance levels of the office workers are still maintained around midday. For VTL, this means that it continues providing mainly activating cold-tone light and high illuminance values.
In the afternoon, the production of cortisol in the body has already decreased significantly, with the active working phase approaching its end. The production of the sleep hormone is not yet required at this moment. VTL supports this transitional period by means of a neutral mixed light. The illuminance is gradually reduced.
The melatonin hormone makes workers tired and reduces the activity in favour of night sleep. With biodynamic light during the day, the melatonin level is correspondingly high during the night. The person sleeps well and is rested and productive the next day. VTL supports the transition to the rest phase through reduced brightness and relaxing warm tone light.
Biodynamic lighting LUM CONNECT VTL for free-standing luminaires
Light management system for biodynamic light
Plug & light: The system is integrated into the luminaires, no connection to building automation being required
Simulates the light according to the natural light of the corresponding time of the day
Automatically changes the indirect light amount and light colour from 6500 K to 3000 K in real time
Individually adjustable, direct working light in the neutral light colour of 4000 K
More information about our products
Free-standing luminaires with biodynamic lighting VTL are marked with the following logo
Biodynamic lighting VTL for room luminaires
More information about our products
Room luminaires with biodynamic lighting VTL are marked with the following logo
The third dimension of lightIt has long been known that light does more than just help one sees and create ambience in rooms. But scientific studies also show that the right light also has a positive effect on our well-being, biorhythm and health. We are referring to the third biological dimension of light – the Human Centric Lighting. The inner clockAlthough our biological rhythm of 24 hours is genetically programmed, it must be re-synchronized daily through daylight or artificial light which is similar to daylight. The hormones cortisol, melatonin and serotonin are primarily at play here. If the body lacks light as a timer or clock, the result can be chronic fatigue, sleep disorders or depressions. Biologically effective lightThe right amount is key. For artificial light to be biologically effective, certain parameters must be observed which nature reveals to us. In rooms, a sky of artificial light is created through a combination of direct and indirect sources of light. They homogeneously light up the upper wall section and the ceiling. More light for a better quality of life at old ageAn aging eye requires a much higher level of illuminance. Light enables the ability to move and the freedom to do what one wants as far as possible. Light that is shadow-free and low in glare has a positive impact on spatial perception. Lack of orientation, insecurity and urge to move are typical for patients suffering from dementia. They are often in a state of semi-consciousness which is intensified even more due to insufficient light influences. Consequences of which are pathological restlessness, sleep problems through to complete reversal of day and night rhythm. A biodynamic lighting promotes biorhythm in a gentle and effective way. Additional value in health and care
Light in the morning invigorates the spirit and facilitates activity. From middle of the day onwards the warm light supports the body and prepares it for the night. The day and night rhythm or the biorhythm has a lasting stabilizing effect. Some gerontologists view it even as an opportunity to reduce administration of sleep-inducing drugs. Staff members report that the light is good for the soul and strains the eyes less. If the residents can move without fear and are active during the day, it also simplifies the work for the personnel. The higher investment costs pay off: thanks to the very high light output of biodynamic luminaires, fewer luminaires are needed in comparison to the conventional room luminaires. In addition, the light management system also helps in saving energy. |